Discover your ideal relationship with your horse

CEGA creates an atmosphere of openness and trust in which to explore your own special horse-human bond. We want to help you remove blocks, deepen your awareness of the power within, and help you achieve your goals.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Yesterday, I had a conversation with a friend that complements the ideas of courage and fear. So.. I wanted to share some more thoughts and see what other people have to say on the subject.

I have been working on becoming clearer about choosing what I want and how to move forward to make it happen. This has been challenging for me. Because, I have spent a large portion of my life trying to make other people happy in order for me to be "safe". I am the master of figuring out what everyone else wants so that I can fit in, they will like me, and then I will be safe. (This is childhood stuff that I learned at a very young age in order to survive. Now that I know where it came from I am consciously choosing to change it.)

Part of the process of getting clear about what I want has been about listening to my heart and not justifying everything with my head. This takes courage to overcome my old survival fears. I don't always have the courage to follow what I know is right for me in my heart. I often begin the process of justifying or recycling some reason why I can't do or have what I want and before I know it I have immobilized myself from being able to take any action. I make a decision that feels right for me and then I begin to second guess myself into stagnation as I sort through what the outcome might look like and all the details in between. (not to mention the onslaught of opinions from everyone else) It becomes a mess of made up assumptions about how it won't work; As I slip further and further into the fear (false evidence appearing real) of what might happen if I make the "wrong" decision. The truth is there are no right or wrong decisions. If I don't like it or it doesn't work I need to make another decision and keep moving sooner or later I will create more of what I want if I keep choosing what works for me. It is just like using a half halt, re-balance and take another step. You don't know how long it will last or how soon before you need the next half halt you just keep being in the moment with your horse in as balanced a way as you can.

Yesterday, while I was riding I had a choice to think my aid had not been clear and I was doing it wrong or to say excuse me my aid was clear and you need to listen. The clearer I am and the more I pay attention the more aware I become of the choices I have. My default reaction of "I have done it wrong" is changing into choice. The more aware I become, the clearer I become, the more my horse responds with ease and grace. The more joy I have.

I couldn't see it and I never would have believed it a year ago.

Where can you change a default reaction into a conscious choice?

Choose to create your life the way you want it to be.

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