Discover your ideal relationship with your horse

CEGA creates an atmosphere of openness and trust in which to explore your own special horse-human bond. We want to help you remove blocks, deepen your awareness of the power within, and help you achieve your goals.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Choices in action

With construction projects ramping up around the farm, I've had opportunities to watch people's reactions to change.
While everyone is excited about the work and what it will bring, the changes it causes in routine show how inconvenience can equal opportunity--if you want them to.

The indoor has been temporarily shut down in order to resolve a pipe leak issue. Now, most folks didn't notice any problems caused by the pipe. They sure would have if it had been allowed to go on long enough to blow the water pump (no pump, no water), or to flood the barn.
Now they need to deal with the closed space, and that directly affects them.

The simple answer? Ride outside, of course! But, this is spring, or rather mud season. I watch their decision-making with interest, empathy, and a bit of incredulity. Some just keep riding. Wind, a bit of rain, cool temperatures, puddles in the outdoor--it's all fine, and they just get on with it. Some hedge their bets, trying to work in the half of the indoor that doesn't have an excavator in it. And some just stay home.

I think about the year I spent at my old farm with no indoor. Each weather challenge created a new situation for me to work my horses in. Sure there were days when--for me--riding was out of ths question. But for the most part we kept going. When deep winter snows and ice meant riding int he field was pretty impossible, we stuck to the plowed and sanded dirt roads. Hacking, logging miles at the trot, or schooling voltes, leg yields and half-pass. Some days we even put a jump in the road!
Muddy spring roads meant riding in areas where the sand was showing in the outdoor, or taking to the woods.
A little drizzle meant business as usual. Ever ride in a show outside in rain and puddles with a horse that has been cloistered in an indoor all year?
Stormy days meant tack cleaning, clipping, planning the year's events, de-cobwebbing--all the things you don't want to be stuck inside doing on the nice days.

So when you come across an obstacle that feels like is is going to stop you, think again. Someone else has a different perspective. Where you see "can't do" they may see opportunity :)

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