Discover your ideal relationship with your horse

CEGA creates an atmosphere of openness and trust in which to explore your own special horse-human bond. We want to help you remove blocks, deepen your awareness of the power within, and help you achieve your goals.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I don’t normally write down the things that happen in a day. So trying to find ways to write and share information in a blog is a new concept for me. I really want to share experiences that help people to understand more about what CEGAwork is, in the hopes of helping them become more aware of the benefits of this work.
Yesterday, when I was sharing the concept with a friend I hadn’t seen in a while. I realized just how excited I am about this work.
We began to discuss how most people don’t take the time to take control of their lives or their rides on their horses. We tend to react to stimuli that appear before us, rather then choose how to respond. We sometimes feel as though we don’t always have a choice. There is so much happening in each moment, particularly when we ride. We are so easily distracted by something in our life or something our horse does.
I began to talk about how I was finding that I actually got more done, had more time in my day and felt better about my day when I was able to take control of myself. I want to create my life from a place of knowing, a place of flow, where I get to choose how I want to respond to the things that happen in my day. I have been noticing that my focus has changed when I ride I am more present. I used to get stuck in a moment of anger or fear when my horse did not respond the way I wanted. Now I let it go and ask again. This is why I love doing this work. I am able to bring my awareness to whatever I do in a new way. The results have been astounding in my riding and in my life. The horses I ride become more responsive. My aids have become quicker and quieter. My transitions are more fluid. I see the people change at their core as we work with them. I am so excited to be able to share this work.

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