Discover your ideal relationship with your horse

CEGA creates an atmosphere of openness and trust in which to explore your own special horse-human bond. We want to help you remove blocks, deepen your awareness of the power within, and help you achieve your goals.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Lessons through bodywork

It is so interesting to me how the universe gives us what we need, and reinforces lessons. I frequently find that I will work on a series of horses that have very similar issues, and that those issues are manifested in ways that are downright eerie.

For example, two of the last three horses I've worked on have had front end problems, specifically hoof/lameness troubles. Although the causes and diagnoses were different, both horses had strongly over-developed trapezius/rhomboid musculature, and no discernible groove between the larger muscles of the neck (the multifidus cervicus/splenius and brachiocephalicus). These muscles are being overused and stressed by the horses, in an attempt to take weight off their sore front feet.

This is part of why I find my work to be so gratifying. I LOVE seeing these horses relax as I work on them, and to know when I am done that they are more comfortable, and have greater flexibility and range of movement. I love finding those sore or tight spots and working on them while the horse sighs with relief.

And as the horse's owner or caretaker, you can extend the benefits your horse gets from bodywork by being conscientious in doing stretches with your horse and making sure he/she is warmed up and cooled down properly for every ride. Not sure how to do stretches with your horse? Watch for my next blog posting for details!

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