Discover your ideal relationship with your horse

CEGA creates an atmosphere of openness and trust in which to explore your own special horse-human bond. We want to help you remove blocks, deepen your awareness of the power within, and help you achieve your goals.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sometimes I don’t take care of myself, I am always willing to help someone else and in that process somehow, I put myself low on the totem pole. How many times do you try to fit in with how you think others want you to be? I have spent most of my life wanting to be liked by everyone. I compromise and side step my desires in order to “MAKE” everyone else happy. I am here to tell you it does not work. I can not make anyone else happy or can I make someone else like me. Imagine how you would feel if you knew someone liked you because you made them do it.

When we actually allow ourselves to be who we truly are inside, people actually like us more. They know where we stand and they don’t wonder who we are from day today.

It seems so clear when I start to look at it from this point of view. Yet when I function from my standard operating procedure; that I learned when I was about 5 and didn’t know any better, I can’t see how true it is. I didn’t know I had a choice.

So…. now that I know I made decisions when I was little in order to survive, I can begin to change how I operate and understand that we all just want to be accepted, understood and loved. I am beginning to stand up for myself and figure out what I want. The really cool part is I was the one stopping myself and now I get to decide how to move forward.
Childhood dreams that I decided couldn’t happen are beginning to show up as possibilities.

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